Friday, June 17, 2011

Further 'Belieze' storyboard WIP - Thumbnails

With some new friends on board we are taking 'Belieze' further! I am in the process of re-boarding one of the sequences and I've made some thumbnail sketches and story beats while I was waiting for one of my classes to start. I will be rendering these thumbnails and creating more story beats today now that the finals are done!

Korea Tourism Commercial Board

Reviving the project I did really long time ago! I never finished the Korean Tourism storyboard I've done and I've organized and tidied up some panels and here it is!

Storyboard - Belieze Scene 2

Part of my storyboard for 2D animation Studio with three other friends. The title of the short is called "Belieze." I pitched the initial story with my one friend Zynada and the whole team elaborated on the full story and storyboard. Here's the storyboard for the Scene 2.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Storyboard, Korean Folktale " Brothers."

When I wanted to storyboard some existing stories I've wanted to do series of Korean Folktales. It would be fun to create some children-friendly characters in the future so I've started to make some storyboard for one of the simple stories "Brothers." Still WIP but clean up coming up very soon! :)